A thought popped into my head this morning. Nothing new, but this time with more clarity and urgency - a God thought.
If I died today, would I be happy with the life I have lived?
Would the story I weaved be pleasing, exciting, interesting? Would my chat with Daddy be brief and predictable or full of moments of laughter and memories of adventures? Would the stones in my wall be glorious?
I realised, as I have done numbers of times in the past few years that apart from a few moments and a handful of adventures, my life resembles far too many other lives - routine and without much of a good storyline.
I know Proverbs 3:6 tells me that God directs my path, but this comes with an obligation on my part: I have to involve Him in my decisions. I also know that if I am not heading in a direction that is exciting and dramatic, out of the ordinary even, then I will limit God in my own mind. I know this, as I do it all the time. I need to step into the plans He has for me, because I know that even now He is cultivating these plans and desires in my heart.
If I am not leading a life that feels challenging then I know I should be creating a better story, adjusting my storyline.
Donald Miller's book "A Million Miles In A Thousand Years" is very helpful if you are considering your own story. It looks at Don's attempts to create a better story with his life using story writing concepts and includes riding a bike across America for charity, the mentoring project he started which led to his involvement in President Obama's Presidential Task Force on Fatherhood and Healthy Families, and even includes a bit of love and heartbreak along the way. Don introduces the reader to Bob Goff of Restore International. Bob's story is incredible - you really need to read this book if you want a bit of motivation to do something more with your life! If you want to buy a copy, try Amazon.
In preparation for 2011, I am going to spend some time imagining with Jesus in the secret place. I need to know what story I should be creating. I want my story for 2011 (and onwards) to be fun, exciting, daring and risky. So now all I need is my Daddy's perspective - His ideas and plans are always far more than I can ever imagine or ask for. Then I can make the necessary adjustments to my plans!
Why should I leave the formidable feats for Bob Geldof or Bono? It's down to each of us to make a difference with the time we have on Earth, even it if only changes life for one person.
Come along and create a better story!
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