Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pox party anyone?!

Well, after what seems like numerous viral imposters, our eldest has finally come down with the dreaded pox!  Bless him.  He's quite unwell with a high temperature.  He never does well when he's "hot" as he calls it.

"Do the ear thing," he tells me many times a day, meaning take his temperature with our thermometer that you poke into their ear.

Artists impression of what we all might look like with pox
It won't be long before Number Two and Number Three come down with it.  Number Two had a slight temperature this evening and we can make out the vague beginnings of the rash.  Number Three has been moaning incessantly all day (although I was only around for an hour or so to verify, having been at work, mercifully!).  This has got to be a sign of the virus festering in his body too.

We've always been pretty keen for them to get chicken pox and get it over with.  Yes, your worst fears are confirmed!  I am one of those mothers!

The last thing we want is for them to get it later in life, or heaven forbid, our real nightmare: coming down with it on the one holiday we will most likely take in the next few years to the States just before flying back.  You can picture it, us all crowding around in the terminal, trying to check in, when all of a sudden, there were ten thousand bright and beautiful, chicken pox spots shouting at the check-in staff and delaying our return (with my utmost apologies to Debbie Tarbett - I just couldn't resist, sorry!).

Not that we'd mind of course.  I can think of a billion worse things than being stuck in the USA for an extra week.  Work would be pretty miffed, but if the Aviation Authority says we can't fly, well, who's going to tell them otherwise?

Now that I've finished my fantasy of what is no longer going to happen, back to reality.  I'm now looking at a week or two with three sick kids.  It's going to be a long few weeks.  At least the Royal wedding weekend means Number One won't miss too much school!  And I'll miss a good portion of the moaning being at work... oh, well!  Thank the Lord for mothers-in-law, husbands and Ibuprofen!

Pox party anyone?

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